A breath of fresh air in the music industry

Michael Buble had an amazing interview on The Hour almost breaking into tears talking about breaking up with his ex-girlfriend Emily Blunt. He was insightful, honest and raw with his answers that is truly missing in most interviews today.

But the great thing about this singer who has been compared to tin pan ally singers like Frank Sinatra, Michael new CD 'Crazy in Love' is taking it old school. His tracks have less effects and computer editing and were mostly recorded start to finish in one take. This vondnerable style including all the errors and breaths just adds to the relateability and realness to the work.
check out his song 'I just Havent Met You Yet'

Alexander Supertramp

Two of my favorite actors, Emile Hirsch and Sean Penn, did a combined effort on the film 'Into the Wild'. The film was originally a book that I found to be very good also, but this movie blew me away. Great adventure story that we all have played out in our minds but never had the balls to actually set out and do. Emile Hirsch stars in the film as a young man breaking away from society and all its crap to travel to Alaska and live off the land. Sean Penn directed the film and the shots he captures and the cinematography is nothing short of amazing.

Other works of Emile's that are worth mentioning are Lords of Dogtown and Alphadog. Both movies i loved as well. Emile brings a certain rawness and edge to his performances that you just cant pin point. Now, his one downfall is the movie speedracer.. but we'll forget about that piece of garbage ever happening.

Sean Penn's recents works that i am impressed with, arent actually is film accomplishments (although Milk was outstanding), but his political activism. check out this link, you wont be dissapointed. He's a very intelligent man.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg0rJQcfQRc about half way through, but worth the hassel

Because I am a Girl...

Check out the website for 'because i am a girl' and find out how you can help with the fight against poverty!
The general idea is that it is proven that by supporting a woman in poverty is more likely to help the entire community!
Dont believe me? check out the website at http://www.becauseiamagirl.ca/

If you want to help but this doesnt sound like your cup of tea, look at my past blog posts about freerice and freethechildren programs that arent asking for your money but your involvement.
one by one we can beat poverty:)

A Touch of Feminism

Yes folks, this is exactly what it looks like.
This is a photo of a pole dancing doll. So 'how far is too far'?
check out the website for BUST magazine where i got this photo from.
its a GREAT feminism magazine with really different and alternative stories.

Its Knuckle-Puck Time!!

Agree? Disagree? Subscribe to my blog and tell me what you think!
TOP 3 BEST hockey movies ever made!

1. Slap Shot 1
The best hockey movie ever made hands down! there has never been another one like it. Paul Newman was outstading as the captain of the Charlestown Chiefs! The hanson brothers are iconic and im still waiting to see a hockey game end the way it did in the movie. Hillarious and timeless!

2. Mystery Alaska
Who doesnt want to skate on sidewalks? Great movie about the NY rangers coming to alaska to play a bunch of nobodies. funny, heartfelt, and a story about the underdog that all hockey fans can relate to.

3. The Mighty Ducks 1 and 2
You may be shocked that this movie made the list, but my generation grew up on this movie! Who hasnt tried to slap a knuckle-puck or wish their coach was coach Bombay! The Mighty Ducks did a flying V right to number 3!

'Sumairu Seiya No Kiseki' The Asian Version of The Mighty Ducks

Although this Asian Version of 'The Mighty Ducks' may be the worst hockey movie ever made, lets do a countdown of the top 3 worst Western hockey films!

Top 3 WORST hockey movies ever made!
1.The Love Guru
Canadian boy, Mike Myers, lets us all down with his brutally horrible comedy. Althought it was great seeing the Leafs win the Stanley Cup, that was about the only good thing about it.

2. Slap Shot 3 The Junior League
The only good Slap Shot was the original and all others were not even 'not as good' as the original but couldnt lick the originals hockey jock. To get a good idea of how repulsive this movie was.. the hanson brothers decided to become munks and teach the players to play non-violently for the first 3 quarters of the movie... yup.

3. MVP- Most Valuable Primate
Although some NHL hockey players are apes, this movie takes it too far. A monkey on skates. Paul Newman (star of slap shot) would be rolling in his grave right now.

Hellooo Strombo

Firstly, its been a while since my last post, but lets just say that i hate essays, midterms and trick multiple choice questions that eat your soul.

Secondly, everyone has that one show that they love and watch every episode of. My roomates like grey annatomy, the hills and gossip girl.. but i have a little bit different idea of what good entertainment is.
Althought i do watch those shows (guilty), MY show is every weekday at 11:00pm, THE HOUR!!!
dont watch it? your making a mistake. Its smart, funny, and QUALITY television. you honestly get smarter just by watching it and george isnt that bad on the eyes either:) Yes, that is George Stroumboloulopoulos that used to be a VJ on much music and the judge on battle of the blades (rolles eyes, but we wont hold that against him). He has excellent interviewing skills, as funny as Jay leno and like barbra walters hes maked guests like michael buble cry!
yes, he is indeed a montreal canadiens fan... again, we wont hold that against him.

The Hour gets my first ever A+ given out on my blog. excellent. standing O

beans beans the magical fruit

As a Canadian grown hometown kid, who doesnt have a Tim Hortons memory? A hot chocolate in the cold winter, the first time you tried a 'ice cap', or at the very least the hundreds of 'please play again' Tim Hortons coffee cups littered all over the ground (dont get me started). For every Tim Hortons lover, there is an equally passionate starbucks lover who thinks calling a large a 'venti' makes them more sophisticated. The age old debate between Tim Hortons and Starbucks is a fierce one, but now goes deeper then who has the best iced coffee, but who has the happiest/well treated coffee bean farmers. When on Cliftonhill, Niagara Falls, I had a friend drag me an extra block to a Starbucks instead of a Timmies because Starbucks was 'fairtrade'. Please let me have the honours of setting the record straight!
Starbucks has a freetrade aggreement, meaning that they make sure that the coffee farmers are being paid fairly for their work. This is done by giving the farmers' managment a bunch of money and trusting it goes into the employees wages, access to health care, farming aids.. and so on. Which is all wonderful, but starbucks still buys most of its beans on the open market and not from its fairtrade farmers.
Timmies takes a different approach. Besides the fact that it is very costly to become 'fairtrade' certified for the farmers, Timmies take the money and put it directly into establishing technical training, improving the quality of coffee produced, providing assistance in education and medical care, educating farmers on enhanced farming techniques and reforestation projects, and on top of it donated school books and video teaching aids directly to local schools.
So techniqually Tim Hortons doesnt have 'fairtrade' workers, but keep your eye on 'venti' picture.

when no words can describe my disappointment..

As a die hard leaf fan who will always B'LEAF and bleed blue and white.. this is a very very very depressing time in leaf nation. 7 games and not one real win, and counting...
So needless to say, their theory of organizing a team of goons and Hanson Brother type players was a bust. Our goalie couldnt stop a beach ball, HELL he couldnt stop a fridge if it was thrown at him. We have close to NO goal scoring talent. The future of our team rests on Luke Schenn who is.. oh 19 years old and -5 and 600th in the league.
I am taking all the superstitious percautions, even took down a leaf flag i had in my dorm room convinced it was hexed..
But honestly leaf fans, i dont know how much help all the worlds rabitts feet, four leaf clovers, or shoving horseshoes right up the players asses will help at this point. Can you even get excited their first win knowing they will have 3 points IN TOTAL.
For more leaf talk, and one of my favorite youtube personalities, check out Steve Dangle! http://www.youtube.com/user/SteveDangle?feature=chclk#p/a

10 X 10 = 100 lives with Free The Children

LETS SAVE THE WORLD.. 10 by 10! Following the example two of my heroes, Marc and Craig Kielburger go to http://www.giveyour10.com/ . SoooooOOO00 easy! Pledge your 10 goals/commitments on how your going to improve the world (turn off the lights, recycle, donate time to a charity) and $10 dollars is donated to a struggling country. Its amazing how simple this is, their NOT ASKING FOR YOUR MONEY just your pledge and you can make a real difference.. and why not tell a few friends while your at it!

I did it. if your ever going to follow a trend or succumb to peer pressure, this is the time to do so! come on, all the cool kids are doing it;)

Eventhough saying your 'political' is a dirty word.

I usually try not to express my political views just to stay away from arguments and controversy. But the new me speaks her mind, is active, opinionated, and yes POLITICAL.
So to start the political ball rolling, whats a better place then with hope.
Meet Justin Trudeau. Son of former and late Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Following in daddy's footsteps he has entered politics, being elected as a Member of Parliment.
Justin in a Nutshell:
He's Liberal.
For the Environment
Thinks Quebec's quest to be recognized as a nation is "based on a smallness of thought.” (i agree!!)
Campaigner for winter sports safety after the death of his brother on a ski trip in 1998.

Since Stephane Dion resigned as leader of the Liberal Party after his butt woopin' in the 2008 election, Trudeau has been considered to replace him. Ladies and Gentlemen, I indroduce hope. Although we dont yet know a lot about this young inexperienced leader, i can only hope he would take the good from his dad, leave the bad, and be the great leader, idol and voice of Canada that i think has been missing for many years.

Some of my fav great Piere Elliot Trudeau Quotes for fun!:

“Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.”
“If I found in my own ranks that a certain number of guys wanted to cut my throat, I'd make sure that I cut their throats first.”

Ani Difranco

Haven't heard of her? Well listen up.

Ani Difranco is a bisexual feminist icon and folk rock singer/ song writer. She made numerous contributions to the feminist movement and on July 21, 2006, DiFranco received the "Woman of Courage Award" at the National Organization for Women Conference and Young Feminist Summit in New York.

She blew me away with her song 'Swim' live from Paris. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9vfsj3SaTk and Little Plastic Castle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm2zdnuiRoQ

Her music brings you back to what real substance music is. Amazing thing about Ani is that she created her own label after her long struggle trying to get signed, then once she blew up she rejected the major labels who wanted her now and stayed with her own lable to be genuin to her music and morals. Keep doin what your doin Ani ;)

if you think your smart enough and up for the challenge..

Fashionable means:
a. nonsensical
b. revolting
c. tolerable

did you answer D??? you could have just donated 10 grains of rice to a starving country at http://www.freerice.com/ !!!!

ITS SIMPLE AND EASY. go on, answer some trivia questions for fun, and rice is sent to starving countries. Its just that simple.
I was surprised when I posted this on facebook after playing the trivia game for hours, and hearing my friends responses. They were ' too busy right now' or 'it can't be that easy, there's a catch' or my fav 'but i dont even like rice'... seriously.
lets do what we can to end world hunger! Africa IS NOT a lost cause!
or in the words of lady gaga, 'ARE YOU LISTENING!!'

so in conclusion, take a break from facebook, halo, gossip girl, or whatever it is that takes up your time and feed a country.

bucket list inspired by samual L jackson

  • eat the worm in the bottom of a tequila bottle
    get a tattoo
    have a family:)
    do something completely unselfish
    somehow help to make the world a better place
    go to greece
    start doing my art again
    define 'who am i'
    scuba dive
    learn to play a song on the guitar
    travel all of canada
    see a TML game at the A.C.C.!!
    sleep under the stars
    love and be loved

a little big inspiration

Sometimes i crave this simplicity.

Awsome quote.
"Once you loose yourself you have two options, find the person you used to be or loose that person completely. Because sometimes you have to step outside of the person youve been and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you WANT to be."